Just kidding, it's been raining.
Just Kidding......it's been raining.
This week was so fast! But so good!!!
Day by day break down? Nope. haha I always run out of time. HA so here goes nothing :)
On Pday we went out to Cardston to hang out with the other missionaries in our zone at the Leavitts house. We all just hung around and talked and chilled. Played ping pong and foosball and pool, you know the works :) Ha I forced Egbert to play the piano for everyone too. Ha SHE IS SO GOOD! Basically Mozart but like hides it, ha so everywhere we go that has a piano I'm like," Oh look a piano! Sister Egbert is amazing at piano! Go play it!" Hahaha :D
Tuesday was crazy! But wonderful. I got to go on exchanges with Sister Martin. I love that girl. Ha we have so much fun together every time, ha and can't stop laughing. We just have the same sense of humour so its pretty dangerous. But I always learn so much from her, such an amazing sister missionary, she has been on her mission now for 17 months and goes home this September. We taught our investigator Dan, he's an older guy and in his 70s. He is the sweetest! But he's been taking the discussions. :) The spirit was so strong while we were there it felt like we got hit with a brick wall.
On Friday we got to drive all the way up to Calgary for Re-Trainers meeting, since I'm training Egs. I was so excited! I miss Calgary so much ha and while we were up there I got to see some of my favourite sisters! Sister Keller (my comp in Queensland) and Sister Shumway!! AND I finally got to see London!!! Ha so
exciting! She's being trained by Sister Keller.
I finally gave Sister Shumway back her Grandma shirt, ha 7 months later :)
Elder Hill!
It was so fun to see everyone again :) While we were up there we swapped out our car ha. The bumper was still taped on, and it made it all the way to Calgary again! The mission takes such good care of us. I just love it out here. Always keeping us safe and what not.
Friday night we went and ate dinner at the Hardy's in 8th ward, I love them. But after dinner we took Sister Hardy out proselyting with us and a miracle happened! We went to visit a potential investigator but ended up just talking with her on her porch, but after we went next door to talk to her neighbour, who's a member but doesn't come to church. We were talking with him at his door and it really wasn't going anywhere. So I asked him if there was anything that we could do for him. "Does anyone play piano?" HA, I practically pushed Egs through the door and said SHE DOES, PLAY FOR HIM SISTER EGBERT! And thankfully we had Sister Hardy with us so we could go inside. haha We were there for an hour just talking with him and singing and playing on the piano, and he had a guitar too! So I got to strum around a bit, ha but he's like super duper good. It was awesome! Spirit was so strong, even though all we did was sing old cowboy songs, you could tell he really needed it. We practically skipped home we were so excited. Yep.
I love this gospel. I love my mission. I just love life! There's so much more to this reality than we think. I love Heavenly Father, he has done so much for me, and for all of you! And so has Jesus Christ! Because of him we have the opportunity to live with God again. I know this to be true.
Book of Mormon, Alma 7:11-12
11 And he shall go forth, suf fering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he wi ll take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the b ands of death which bind his p eople; and he will take upon h im their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mer cy, according to the flesh, th at he may know according to th e flesh how to succor his peop le according to their infirmit ies.
The word succor means to run to, or to give aid. Jesus Christ is the only one in this world that knows EXACTLY how you feel and the pain you are suffering. But because of him we do not have to suffer, or suffer alone. When we turn to him that weight can be taken away. I have a testimony of that.
Book of Mormon, Moroni 10:32
32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselv es of allungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength,then is his grac e sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may beperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect inChrist, ye can in nowise deny the powe r of God.
Until next time loves. :) Keep going.
Love you always.
Sister Jaynie Connor
Knight Street Chapel
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