Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm back!


Ha so I'd like to apologize for totally disappearing for the past few months, like seriously who does that? Ha any who, I'm still alive, I'm a little taller (crazy right), and a whole lot tanner, well my face is. 

Well in the couple months that I've been MIA lots of fun things have happened! But of course at this moment I can't think of any awesome stories for you to enjoy /:

Oh! I got hired as a Snowboard Instructor up here at Brian Head. It's pretty awesome, I get paid to teach people how to snowboard all day, which explains my extremely tan face. I've taught people of all ages! Ages 6-45 to be exact ha. I've started a new obsession with beanies, no seriously I own like 13,which my job is perfect for because I had to wear one everyday! I worked almost all of Winter Break and made a good hunk of money. But sadly, now that school has started I can only work weekends now /:. It was so strange to wake up Monday morning and not be able to throw on an old T-shirt, braid my hair and put on a beanie, and to wear jeans instead of snow pants. It was painful but I've adjusted. 

So yeah, I've started school again....yay! Ha my classes don't seem to be that bad so far, and I've taken a lot less music classes this semester. As much as I hate waking up for school and having to go, I'm so thankful that I can receive an education. I just love learning. As Gramp Ellenburg always said "Knowledge is power.", which is true and well right now I'm trying to get as much knowledge as I can handle.

There's snow here on the ground in Cedar, its been here for awhile. But it's starting to melt, ha which causes puddles, which freeze at night. And then in the morning when you're walking to class its like trying to walk across a hockey rink. I haven't gone down yet, luckily! (Knocks on wood)

Well internet friends, thats all that comes to mind right now /: I apologize for not being able to provide you with more entertainment from the Life of Jaynie Connor. I promise not to go missing for so long again.

Oh! Sadly, I had to say goodbye to my dear friend Chasen this weekend. I've mentioned Chase before, she's a counselor with me at Camp Lee. But she is studying abroad in Thailand this semester! WHICH IS TOTALLY FLIPPIN COOL RIGHT?!
But, any who, you should check out her page as she updates on the world of Thai!

I hope all is well out there! Farewell!

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