This past week was homecoming here at SUU. And being in the band I played in the annual homecoming parade down University Blvd. It was actually pretty fun. I must say I was pretty freaking hot in our band wind breakers ha. I was sweating like no other as we ran/skipped/walked down the street high giving children high fives. Awesome right? Ha only the children had been playing in the gutter than noticed we were coming sprinted towards us and gave us a huge sloppy wet bacteria crawling high five.......yep ha. But it was totally worth it to see the beaming smiles on their faces. And the best part of all Livi, Mom, and Paps came up to watch the festivities. Livi almost jumped out of her skin when she saw me on the street and almost fainted when I bent down gave her a quick hug then was on my way down the street.
After the parade we were fed pizza and given a break, a couple of us went and laid down in the grass for a bit. Next thing we knew it was time to go play in the pep band for the football game. We played against Montana, it was so close but we lost. /: ha I was so exhausted it took all I had to keep my eyes open. Not to mention I was STILL sweaty and gross. When I got home I hopped in the shower then immediately fell into bed and did not move for another two hours. And I loved every second of it. After I had awoken from my slumber, I threw some clothes in a bag and drove up to Panguitch to spend the rest of the weekend with the fam. Liv was glued to my side and even wanted to sleep with me. I loved every minute with them. I even got to enjoy breakfast with my grandparents.
Oh BTW I finally got a bed frame in my room! :) My boxspring is no longer on the floor and I'm lovin it.
Hope all is well, thanks for reading!
I'm currently serving in the Canada Calgary Mission! If you would like to write me you can reach me at: 7044 Farrell Road SE Calgary, Alberta T2H 0T2 Canada
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
3 weeks down! And a whole lot more to go....
Okay so I made one of the best purchases of my life this week. No seriously. It's beautiful. I purchased a Penny Nickel Board. It is so much fun. Its like a plastic skateboard, but with long board wheels and it seriously just glides over all surfaces. I had originally brought my skate board with me, but the wheels kept getting stuck in the cracks and it was a real pain. And I didn't really feel like breaking any bones any time soon, so I decided it was time for a long board. Its taking some getting used to but I like it a lot. I took it out for the first time last night and skated all over our neighborhood. It's actually not hard to go slightly up hill either! And it goes over the bumpy pavement here wonderfully. Well thats all I have for you for today :) Hope all is well!
Did I mention it was absolutely gorgeous out yesterday?! Fall is definitely in the air :)
Monday, September 10, 2012
The Princess and the Pea/Twin...

DIVA! ha So when I moved away to college and was moving into my new home we only had spare twin mattresses, and I was like "Yeah I could sleep on a twin bed no biggie". Ha WRONG! I had not slept in a twin bed since I was 12 years old and much shorter. Ha I am only 5'9'', which I guess is pretty tall for a girl, but still I'm no giant. MY FEET HUNG OFF THE EDGE BY AT LEAST THREE INCHES. Ha what?!
So I said to myself its no problem we'll adjust. Ha so I finally fell asleep that night, and when I wake up I kind of do this Patrick Star move wear I just stretch right on out ha, what'd I do? Slam my right elbow and right knee straight into the wall. -__- ha great way to start the day right? Who wouldn't want to wake up for 8am lecture like that? Ha my beds right side is pressed against the wall, so one morning my alarm went off so naturally I started to get up and lean forward to turn it off, only hitch, I thought I was facing left, WRONG, I was facing right toward the wall. Ha and I'm no Danny Phantom so naturally I slammed face first into the wall. Awwwwwesome.
Ha so there was no way this could fly any more, so when I went home Labor Day weekend, my awesome mom started scanning craigslist. And she found the most awesome bed EVER. We got a box spring, a mattress, a mattress pad, and......... it came with a super soft like memory pad!!! For only $140! Awesome right?! It's so awesome to get up and set the outline of my body still in my bed slowly rising back up. :) Now the "princess'' is happy and getting a glorious amount of sleep. Thanks Mama!
Thanks for stalking! No really thank you.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Rain, rain, go seriously.
So all week there has beautiful toasty sunshine here in Cedar. And all week for some reason I would drive my truck to campus in the mornings, but on Friday the weather was just too beautiful to resist and I hopped on my bike. The sun was shining the, wind was in my hair, and I was desperately trying to eat my pop tart while not crashing. I got to the school with plenty of time for class and went on in.
Everything was going great. Class went by fast and I spent the remainder of the day in the library. Around noon I had a music majors/minor meeting in the theatre. So I walked on over to the meeting and as it's about to finish you hear a loud BOOOOOM! From thunder, me thinking it was just from clouds passing by above, happens all the time. Well I was wrong, big time ha. I walk out of the music building to get hit in the face by massive rain drops, deciding to not go back into the music building (for what ever reason I do not know), I run/scurry over to the Electronic Learning Center and walk under the entry way for shelter.
Well I sat there for a while waiting for it to let up, it didn't. And I thought well what are my options? I could just wait it out I didn't need to be anywhere until 3 and it was only 1:30. Yeah, that sounds great... wait I have Pep Band today at 3, and my trumpet of course is at home. Lovely. Well it looked like my only option was to ride my bike back through the rain home and drive back. So I went back to the music building to my instrument locker, took of my backpack, which contained my laptop and books, and locked it inside. I then headed out side, unlocked my bike and was on my way. Remember how I posted earlier how the ride home is almost always a death ride? Yeah, its even worse when you're soaking wet. And it seemed the more I rode the harder it rained. My thighs were screaming and my lungs had to be on fire.
I finally got home, and hopped off my bike (I had pedaled so hard and fast my legs were numb). I waddled to the door and came inside, seeing my roommate on the couch, and then realizing that she drives and has a car. It was one of those smack yourself in the forehead moments, she totally could have picked me up but some how I didn't think of that when I was weighing my options. Ha after my roommates got a good laugh and I went and changed, I went out back into the living room, only to notice that outside the rain had started to let up. And even seemed to be starting to stop. Awesome right?! If I had waited just 20 more minutes I would be completely fine, but I didn't think rationally ha.
I grabbed my trumpet, got in my truck, went to Pep Band, and carried on with my day.
I guess the moral of the story kid is when faced with an obstacle make sure you think clearly and come up with reasonable solutions. Think of ALL the solutions, ha it might save you a lot of time, and energy. Just another comedy moment in the life of Jaynie Connor. :) Hope all is well.
<--- This is seriously how I felt, only I didn't have an awesome hat to protect my hair from becoming one curly soggy mop.
Everything was going great. Class went by fast and I spent the remainder of the day in the library. Around noon I had a music majors/minor meeting in the theatre. So I walked on over to the meeting and as it's about to finish you hear a loud BOOOOOM! From thunder, me thinking it was just from clouds passing by above, happens all the time. Well I was wrong, big time ha. I walk out of the music building to get hit in the face by massive rain drops, deciding to not go back into the music building (for what ever reason I do not know), I run/scurry over to the Electronic Learning Center and walk under the entry way for shelter.
Well I sat there for a while waiting for it to let up, it didn't. And I thought well what are my options? I could just wait it out I didn't need to be anywhere until 3 and it was only 1:30. Yeah, that sounds great... wait I have Pep Band today at 3, and my trumpet of course is at home. Lovely. Well it looked like my only option was to ride my bike back through the rain home and drive back. So I went back to the music building to my instrument locker, took of my backpack, which contained my laptop and books, and locked it inside. I then headed out side, unlocked my bike and was on my way. Remember how I posted earlier how the ride home is almost always a death ride? Yeah, its even worse when you're soaking wet. And it seemed the more I rode the harder it rained. My thighs were screaming and my lungs had to be on fire.
I finally got home, and hopped off my bike (I had pedaled so hard and fast my legs were numb). I waddled to the door and came inside, seeing my roommate on the couch, and then realizing that she drives and has a car. It was one of those smack yourself in the forehead moments, she totally could have picked me up but some how I didn't think of that when I was weighing my options. Ha after my roommates got a good laugh and I went and changed, I went out back into the living room, only to notice that outside the rain had started to let up. And even seemed to be starting to stop. Awesome right?! If I had waited just 20 more minutes I would be completely fine, but I didn't think rationally ha.
I grabbed my trumpet, got in my truck, went to Pep Band, and carried on with my day.
I guess the moral of the story kid is when faced with an obstacle make sure you think clearly and come up with reasonable solutions. Think of ALL the solutions, ha it might save you a lot of time, and energy. Just another comedy moment in the life of Jaynie Connor. :) Hope all is well.

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