Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 4 in Paradise

Well today was my fourth day here at Southern Utah University. I'm tellin you it gets better and better each day. Today is the day we finally get wifi in the house ! Whooo! No more hot walks or bike rides to the library to steal the internet haha. Today was also the day that I changed my major for the first time :) I'd like to say that its the last but we all know I can never make up my mind, so for now I am a Communications Major and a Music Minor, focusing on Media Studies. I am so excited. I was sitting in one of my many music classes when it hit me, and I said to myself, "If your goal is to eventually end up on TV, then why are you taking classes that teach you to sing?". And just like that I marched over to my advisor and got it all settled. I can't wait until next semester to start all the media and communications classes. For those of you that don't know what my current life plan is at the moment let me just fill you in! One day I want to have my own TV show, I want you to picture Ellen, meets Chelsea Lately, meets Extreme Home Makeover, meets Good Morning America, ha well something along those lines. I want to help people through the use of TV and media. So if that means becoming a news anchor until then and working other odd TV jobs I am A-OK with that. :)

Last night here at school was Casino Night!!! Aye! haha. Where you get all dressed up and go play black jack for chips, which then are turned in for tickets, which are then put in a raffle to win prizes like; a 36 pack of Mountain Dew, a toaster oven, a vacuum, and etc. It was a lot of fun! Super crowded and hot and muggy but a lot of fun. They had game tables set up all over the room.

I thought I would share this photo with you ha. Every day after all my classes are done I'll drive home grab a bite to eat, and since we have no internet, I hop on my bike and ride down the street to the campus library. The ride here is down hill, it's super fun and it only takes me about 5 min to get here.
The way back up however is uphill, and every day about half the way back I want to through the bike on the ground and just take a nap in a strangers green lawn. No like seriously its like death for your legs ha, but hey if I keep it up I'm guessing by the time snow falls around November I will have some thighs of steel, man!

That is all for now, thanks for stalking ! :)

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